9. Presbyopia Symptoms
Its occurrence where vision become blurred, making it hard to focus. It is very common eye symptoms as we age. With the loss of flexibility, your eyes are less able to adjust properly to focus near objects.
老花眼的原因就是我们的眼睛开始老化,加上我们流失叶黄素. 叶黄素一旦流失就会造成眼睛不一样的问题,再加上老化呢就会造成老花.
或许你觉得老花眼呢是在40岁以后的人才会有的情况,但是,你错了. 现在由于我们的生活环境关系,尤其是对着3C产品呢.
1. 顾客妈妈的老花眼有改善。 回头再买 6盒。
Crystal Eyes has helped to improve the vision of a buyer's mother who has presbyopia symptom. She ordered another 6 boxes for her mother again.
2. Master Lim from Kuala Lumpur, has a better vision now after taken only one box of Crystal Eyes.
3. This buyer has Presbyopia Symptoms. From Right 4.50d and Left 4.00d, the eyeglasses has reduced to only Right 2.25d and Left 2.00d.
4. This buyer's mother has improved a lot after taking Crystal Eyes. Previously her vision was blurred and couldn't see clearly.
5. This is Dato Shum, the founder of Olicell Sdn.Bhd. In just 5 days, his Presbyopia symptom has reduced from 2.00d to only 0.75d only!
老花眼呢我们有个非常好的见证,就是我们的Cellglo创办人Dato Shum,他自己本身喝了Crystal Eyes呢老花度数掉得非常的快
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