Tuesday, 14 June 2016

8. Shortsightedness (Myopia) Symptoms近视症状

8. Shortsightedness (Myopia) Symptoms


Having difficulties reading road signs and seeing distant objects clearly, but will be able to see well for close-up tasks such as reading and computer use. 


Evidence indicates that progressive childhood myopia is due to a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Children whose parents are myopic are also more likely to be myopic, and children who spend more time indoors (reading, watching television and playing computer games) appear to be more at risk than those who spend more time outdoors.






5( Below): This purchaser has been drinking Cellglo Crystal Eyes for two years. This purchaser experienced a decreased progression of the power of glasses. From 6.00D, it has dropped to 3.50D. Then the Astigmatism has reduced from 1.50 to 0.50 only!

For 22 year,.this is the first time ever that purchaser experienced a reduction of the power of glasses! It has never before and there's  no need for any Lasik Surgery. What a great news!


顾客喝了2年的水晶眼睛, 近视度不再增加反而安全降下。近视600度降到350度。散光150度降到 50度。戴了22年的眼镜, 水晶眼睛确实为四眼族带来的好消息。👏👏👏👏




Refractive errors are the most common cause of vision problems among school-age children. Parents should be aware of these signs that a child's vision needs correction:

●Consistently sitting too close to the TV or holding a book too close

●Losing his place while reading or using a finger to guide his eyes when reading

●Squinting or tilting the head to see better
●Frequent eye rubbing
●Avoiding activities which require near vision, such as reading or homework, or distance vision, such as participating in sports or other recreational activities
●Complaining of headaches or tired eyes
●Avoiding using a computer, because it "hurts his eyes"
A visit with the doctor may reveal that your child has myopia(nearsightedness, hyperopia(farsightedness) or astigmatism. These common refractive errors are easily corrected with eyeglasses or contact lenses.

However, now with Cellglo Crystal Eyes, not only it will help to lower the eye glasess power but also to prevent it. Many have came forth testifying that Cellglo has help their children to have better eyesight.


1. 11 years old girl who is so grateful to his dad for making the right choice for her. In just two months after consuming Cellglo Crystal Eyes, her vision has improved a lot!

11岁的小妹妹从6岁开始就戴眼镜而且还有近视和闪光问题, 爸爸透过网络买了crystal eyes给她服用, 才短短两个月她的眼睛问题得到改善😄😄 crystal eyes又帮助了一位小孩, 感恩


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